Anresco’s COVID-19 Response
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe, healthy, and well.
COVID-19 has brought forth unprecedented challenges for our company, our community, and the world. Although Shelter in Place orders have been issued in San Francisco and greater California, Anresco is an essential business and will remain open. Our operations are critical to ensuring safe foods, medical devices, and medicines are available to those that need them. We are taking all possible measures to make sure our employees are safe, our vital services remain open, and our customers stay informed. Some of these measures include:
- Limiting visitor access. We will continue accepting sample drop-offs, but visitors will only be permitted in the office receiving area. All other non-essential visits will be indefinitely postponed.
- Reducing employee load. All employees that are able to work remotely have been instructed to do so. This includes administrative, marketing, sales, and certain laboratory analyst positions. Their extensions have been redirected to their home lines so they can still be reached by phone.
- Preventative measures. We are recording the temperatures of all employees at the beginning and end of each day to make sure they do not enter the building if unwell or return to work if they start presenting symptoms. Additionally we have purchased large quantities of gloves and masks, and have started producing our own hand sanitizer, so our employees have the PPE to work safely.
- Limiting employee contact. We have asked all employees to maintain at least 6 feet of separation from one another while working. We have also asked employees to limit interactions with other sections of the lab so we can identify and quarantine high risk individuals should an employee become infected.
- Additional cleaning measures. Our janitorial staff has been instructed to disinfect high contact areas like door handles, railings, countertops, and faucets on an hourly basis.
While the quality of our service will not be affected, the availability of rush turnarounds may be limited due to these measures. We ask for your patience and understanding as we make these necessary adjustments to assure the continuing operation of our business.
We are monitoring guidance from local, state, federal, and CDC officials and will provide immediate updates if our circumstances change.
With Best,
Anresco Management