FDA Import Detention Testing
Since 1981, Anresco Laboratories has offered DWPE sampling and analytical services to the import industry. Today, we perform almost every required FDA import detention analysis and are one of the primary laboratories for DWPE sampling and testing in the country.
Anresco accounts for about 15-20% of the import testing market and, as a result, has accrued significant experience working with every FDA District (each with its own requirements) and a reputation for quality, honest work. We have also acquired economies of scale to provide the lowest possible price for our customers. When it comes to FDA import detention testing and analysis, Anresco has the finest team of any private laboratory in the United States.
Most imported foods fall under the regulatory purview of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Established in 1974, the FDA’s Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE) program automatically detains and prevents the sale of items it deems high-risk. A high-risk product can result from a history of violations from a manufacturer, the appearance that a product is violative, or when information indicates future entries may be violative. In order to sell a product detained under DWPE and remove a manufacturer from automatic detention, the importer must have a third-party laboratory, like Anresco, sample and analyze the product for the presumed violation. If the product is deemed to be “clean”, then an analytical packet is sent to the FDA recommending the product be released. Contact us to get a quote for your DWPE sampling and analytical needs.
Common Analyses:
- Artificial sweeteners (by TLC)
- Aflatoxins
- Canned Food Testing (low-acid canned foods)
- Chloramphenicol
- Color Additives
- Eye Cosmetics
- Other Cosmetics (shampoo, conditioner, soap)
- Foods
- Candies
- Decomposition
- Extraneous Matter/Filth
- Light Filth (rice products, fungus, mushroom, dried fruits, seafood products, products containing chili or tamarind, dried bean curd)
- Macroscopic Filth (peppers, dates, tamarind pods)
- Heavy Filth (Basmati rice)
- Fluoroquinolones
- Histamine
- Indole
- Iron
- Lead
- Medical Devices/Leak Testing (gloves, condoms)
- Melamine, Cyanuric Acid, Ammeline, and Ammelide
- Microbiology
- Escherichia Coli (E.Coli)
- Pseudomonas
- Salmonella
- Staphylococcus
- Listeria
- Nutritional Labeling
- Malachite Green and Gentian Violet
- Methyl Mercury
- Nitrofurans
- Sodium
- Sulfites / Sulfur Dioxide
- Pesticides
- Permethrin
- Vinclozolin
- Endosulfans
- Dimethoate
- Omethoate
- Methamidophos
- Monocrotophos
- Dicofol
- Azoxystrobin
- Acepha
- Prochloraz
- Methomyl
- Hexaconazole
- Dicrotophos
- Profenofos
- Procymidone
- DDTs / BHCs
- Chlorpyrifos
- Quintozene