Certifications and Registrations
ISO/IEC 17025 : 2017 Accredited Laboratory
San Francisco, CA (Scope)
Commerce, CA (Scope)
Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) Cannabis Testing Laboratory License (#C8-0000052-LIC).
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program for Chlorinated Pesticides, Organophosphate Pesticides and n-Methyl-Carbamate Pesticides in raw agricultural products, plant tissues and foods; and PCBs in hazardous wastes (ELAP Certificate).
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Registered Laboratory for Schedule I-IV Controlled Substances (#PA0202945).
Japanese Ministry of Health & Welfare Accredited Laboratory (#17).
California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) Approved for Industrial Hemp Testing.
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) Approved for Industrial Hemp Testing.
FDA Laboratory Accreditation for Analyses of Foods (LAAF) Certified Laboratory.