Anresco studied the cannabinoid content of cannabis trimmings under different storage conditions over the period of a year to determine effects on degradation. Thermal rather than photodegradation was found to be the more significant pathway for reduced potential THC. Additionally, the most significant reductions in potential THC occurred in the first 30 days, regardless of storage conditions.
By Zach Eisenberg Blog
On July 2, 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a public warning regarding an increase in hand sanitizer products found to contain methanol but labeled as containing ethanol or isopropanol. Read more to learn about safety and efficacy issues with hand sanitizers currently on the market.
By Zach Eisenberg Blog
January 1, 2020 marks the compliance deadline of new FDA nutritional labeling requirements for companies with more than $10 million in annual food sales. While smaller companies have an additional year to comply, all imported foods must also meet these requirements.
By Zach Eisenberg Blog
Click here to learn about the FDA's final rules to prevent intentional adulteration of food products.
By Zach Eisenberg Blog
Click here to learn about the nutrient database recently released by USDA/ARS.
By fadmin Blog
Dr. Kahmi invited Anresco's President, David Eisenberg, on her radio talk show to discuss matters of glyphosate and AMPA testing, people's health and wellness, cause-and-effect of pesticide or drug residues and other ongoing projects at Anresco Laboratories.
By Zach Eisenberg Blog
In 2016, first lady Michelle Obama lead the reform to update the nutrition facts label displayed on packaged foods in an attempt to provide greater transparency to consumers. Following a 1 year delay, the FDA has now reaffirmed its commitment to these changes, extending the enforcement deadline.
By fadmin Blog
Anresco analyzed a series of household food products for the presence of glyphosate and AMPA. The results were publicized by our client and attracted significant attention by the media. In this post we briefly discuss the process and methods employed to generate our findings.